Monday, November 10, 2008

Kitchenaid Mixer Dilemma

So, I have this dilemma, I am trying to pick out which color Kitchenaid Artisan Stand Mixer I would like to ask for as a gift and I simply cannot decide between three, beautifully retro colors. Part of the problem is I haven't exactly, 100% decided what color scheme I'd like my kitchen to ultimately end up. So far I have been going for a catch all of wonderful, 1950's pastels. I figure a mixture of pastels would look pretty against light gray walls and bright white cabinets, very Alicia Paulson. However, I have also been considering a more set color scheme, perhaps soft yellow walls and accents with bright white, inspired by the cover of the January 2008 issue of Martha Stewart Living.

At any rate, which color should I settle on for the stand mixer? I was originally totally set on the pink, but have fallen head over heels for the blue and the yellow. I do love that $50 of the profit on the pink mixers is donated to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. And I do already own a cute pink toaster... Help me decide! Please?

Which pretty mixer should I choose?


  1. you don't have the great pistachio color as an option?! besides that one, I love the yellow!


  2. Well, while I did like the pistachio green (and thanks for making me crave pistachios), it doesn't totally fit the color scheme I'm going for... it's a bit too 60's or 70's. I'm going for 50's. But it is awesome!

    I am kinda leaning toward the yellow now as I've had a couple of folks favor that one. I am still not settled though. But thanks!

  3. I'm 100% for the robin's egg blue one! That's the one I want! Great blog by the way I happened to stumble upon it through another blog :)


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